Your ears must be hungy, but my wallet no longer is

I am flabbergasted.

Ridiculously flabbergasted.

Pleased, but flabbergasted.

I like that word.

A few weeks ago I ordered a handful of forks. Not big, stuff your face forks, but small, hang from your ear forks.

I did it as a funny joke. My mother-in-law got me into the Twilight saga (I know, I know, please don’t judge) and I thought that making her some fork jewelry would be humorous.

I made a pair of fork earrings, named them “Your ears must be hungry,” and posted them in PoshMommaStore and they started selling IMMEDIATELY!

Your ears must be hungry

Baffles my mind.

Anyhoo, to make a dumb story short, I’ve had two bulk orders for these earrings and countless individuals that just crave the feel of small eating utensils dangling from their ears. Personally, I crave chocolate, but whatever floats your boat.

So, I just had to blog about this crazy fashion fad. Thank you Stephenie Meyer for writing popular books set in a place called Forks. You’re sending me to college (as if $3 earrings would make a small dent in my tuition).

Please, click the fork earrings picture above and order a pair for yourself. Use code CRAZYFORKS and I will even add in an Art of Simplicity necklace to help fill up that huge bubble mailer so I don’t feel like I’m wasting it.

You guys and your crazy forks. Love it!


P.S. Don’t forget the VDay Giveaway here.

January 21, 2009 at 10:14 pm Leave a comment

Valentine’s Day Giveaway

Well, I finally decided to do a Valentine’s Day Giveaway.

Comment, comment, comment. Just comment on this post to enter. I will assign each comment an number in the order that they are posted and use to generate the random number.

Tell all of your friends and repost this please. The prize is fantastic.

1 lucky reader will get these fantabulous earrings:

Valentine's Day Giveaway

They are crimson freshwater pearl and coin pearl. Perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Comment away on THIS post until January 31 and I will pick a name and contact the lucky winner on February 1. That will give me plenty of time to get these beauties in the mail and to you by V Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

January 21, 2009 at 6:43 am 26 comments

PoshMommaStore Update: Restock and MLK Day Sale

With all of my wonderful customers buying so much lately, I have had to do a restock of my store. Two nights ago I sat up until 1 am making jewelry until I had bruises on my palms from my pliers. Yesterday morning I took pictures, and yesterday evening and this morning I have added them to the store (I HATE listing!).

I don’t have them all up yet, but I figured I would give you a sneak peak at what I’ve added so far and offer you a MLK DAY SALE! That’s right, a sale. If you order by midnight and mention MLKBLOG at checkout I will refund you via paypal 25% (pre-shipping). 

Here are some of your newest choices:

From the earth: $6

Flight of purity – the remix: $6

Dainty industrial: $6

Sheer elegance: $5

Icy: $4

Simple as black and white: $5

Who me: $4

Unlocking purity – the earrings: $6

More forbidden love: $5

Wow, that’s more than I thought. Yay! Anyhoo, remember the MLK Day Sale. 25% off with MLKBLOG at checkout. I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday!! Be safe.


January 19, 2009 at 10:17 am 2 comments

Next Weekend

O, I am in such a FANTABULOUS mood!

I just booked mine and David’s hotel room for next weekend and I am ecstatic.

As you know (or should, anyway), I love wine. So much so, in fact, that I am researching it (which you may not have known). Yes, you heard me correctly, I am researching wine. Muscadine wine, to be exact.

As a research project for a class that I had last semester, I looked at the history and basic make up of muscadine wine. My research, which I am very proud to say, has been asked to present at this May’s conference of the Association of American Geographers in Las Vegas. Woot!

So, to finish up my research for presentation, I need to go to wineries (and YES, this IS research :-D). I plan on doing some interviewing, photo taking, and perhaps (ha! perhaps) some tasting.

Next weekend, David, Lily, and I will be leaving after our Friday morning classes and heading to Birmingham for a short tour of half of Alabama’s wineries. (Don’t act so surprise, most every states has atleast one winery.)

The agenda includes:
Vizzini Farms Vineyard
Ozan Winery
Morgan Creek Vineyards
Bryant Vineyards
Talladega National Forest (for David, as if he won’t love the wine as much as I)

We will have two full days of serious scientific research (;-D) and you will have a good bunch of pictures of Alabama’s finest. (Haha… I hate Alabama, I hope you sensed the sarcasm.)

I am most excited to visit Ozan Winery. As they do produce muscadine wine, their main staple is that of Norton (aka Cynthiana), which you will hear my wonderful Missouri Norton rant someday soon, I bet. I LOVE Norton wine and am curious and excited to taste an Alabama Norton.

So, next weekend will not come soon enough. I hope the little chance of rain that there is will dissipate.

Yay for wine!

January 18, 2009 at 10:02 am 1 comment

Crazy Couple of Days

Man, the last couple of days have been nuts! I am completely worn out.

I have also been doing a crappy job with my weekly menu. Maybe I can get back into my routine when things start to settle down.

First off, thank you so much to LightAndWriting for bestowing upon me this fabulous award.


The story behind this award is this:
“The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in the PROXIMITY in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that even more friendships are propagated.”

So sweet LightAndWriting! Thank you again!

Now, it is my job to pass on this bit of happiness to other, so here goes. The following people are getting frenched (as in this French award, not the suckface smoochie):

On another, and equally exciting, note, PoshMommaStore is booming. David just took 8 packages to the post office for me. Phew. You guys are stinking awesome!

Also, I added a few new things last night to PoshMommaStore. Such as…

these super elegant black glass bead earrings: $5

and these great, fun earrings: $5

and this simple necklace (which I love so much I’ve worn one everyday since I started making them): $5

If you’d like to go see the listings, just click the picture. I hope to get more up tonight or early tomorrow.

One more thing before I go, I added book #2 to my Books page this morning.

I know, I know, but when I started the Harry Potter series I was like 12, it just keeps going. So I sat down and read this yesterday. Short, but still a book, so it counts! Woot!

I feel like there was something else, but now I can’t remember what it was, and this is definitely long enough, so I’m going. I’ll be back soon.


January 16, 2009 at 3:55 pm Leave a comment

Damn GIS

Sorry for the bluntness, but I’m in a cranker mood.

As a modern geographer, I must (not MUST, but really sorta must) learn GIS. I started my major as a GIScientist, but changed b/c I did NOT want to learn programming. Bleh.

I decided to do regular old Geography with a GIS Certificate (GIS coursework without the programming classes).


Took the intro class last semester, hated it. Taking the advanced class this semester, hate it. Will take the Capstone next semester, bet you 2 bucks I’ll hate it.

GIS offers great jobs (if you like sitting at a computer all day), good pay, almost guaranteed job placement, and fantastic job security. BUT I HATE IT!

I know most of you probably have no freaking clue what GIS is, and in my anger and annoyance I’m giving you the short stick and sending you here to learn about it if you please. The opening pic is an illustration of what we do with computers. It really is a really cool things but I hate relying on computers.

Give me some rapidographs and vellum and I’ll ink you a map all day long (and a damn good one at that) but sit me in front of a computer and tell me to do it and I’ll glare at you (then probably do it and HATE doing it the whole time).

So, love geography, HATE GIS. I feel I can’t emphasize that more.

I have an assignment to get back to. Poop.

January 14, 2009 at 8:02 pm 1 comment

I LOVE Blog Giveaways

I know that this is supposed to be a green post, but I’m running a little low on time and I have some fabulous news.

I was flipping through blogs the other day and I ran across Tscrapper‘s blog and she was doing a card giveaway. Well, to make a long story a heck of a lot less boring, I WON! Haha… I swear I’m like a kid at a carnival. Anywho, here is my winnings, which will be perfect for Lily’s first birthday, which is, shockingly, now less than a month away.

It is going to be just perfect! If you are interesting in browsing through (and BUYING) some of this lovely lady’s work, check out her shop here.

Now, I have cookies to make and a department organizational meeting to attend, and maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll be back later with my green post.


January 13, 2009 at 2:00 pm 1 comment

Wine: Oko

I doubt that it is a secret that I love wine. And, as I sit here sipping a pinot noir, that I have rated a mere 3 on my 1 to 5 scale, I beg to tell you about a great wine that I have discovered that I am rating higher. 

I rarely return to wines. I like to get around, in the wine shop, that is. I mostly feel it a waste of time to drink the same wine twice, unless, of course, I love it. This new wine of mine is just that, loved.

Pinot grigio is one of those rare grape varietals that so consistently makes a good wine that a more expensive bottle will rarely be a whole lot better than a cheap wine. (However, this does happen occasionally.)

Oko, pictured above, is a good, and cheap, Italian pinot grigio. I love it so much that I have returned to it often in the past months. Like a good lover, I can expect it to be worth my time. (Haha… sorry, I couldn’t help but say it. It was going there in your head, I know it.)

To go deeper into my metaphor, I like my one night stands. I buy a bottle, drink it, and never return. Usually. However, this wine is one that I had to return to for more.

It is light and so perfect with the pasta dishes that I have been serving it with. But also with seafood and chicken, as I have served it with in the past. And, as I said earlier, it is cheap, only about $10/bottle. The current bottle was purchased at Target, though we usually get it at the wine shop near our home. Also, as mentioned before, it is Italian; Veneto, to be exact. And, best of all, Oko is made from organically grown grapes.

Come on, organic, cheap, AND tasty. If you see it, buy it. You’ll like it, I promise.

January 11, 2009 at 10:53 pm 3 comments

Sunday Wildcard – Update

Well, if any of you follow my twitter then you know that yesterday was an extra fantabulous day for me. David watched Lily all morning and I went and had a day of beauty and shopping. This is something that I haven’t really been able to do since before Lily was born, almost a year ago.

I got up and showered and went and got breakfast a Chick-fil-a (my FAVORITE). Then I went to Hobby Lobby. I seriously had not planned to go to Hobby Lobby because I know how dangerous it is for me to enter that store, but, to show you how rarely I get out of the house, I honestly thought the mall opened at 9, but it doesn’t; it opens at 10. So, I had an hour to spare and I KNEW Hobby Lobby was open.

I hit up the jewelry supply sale (imagine that) and bought Lily some wrapping paper for her b’day presents. I then just browsed until 10.

At ten I went to the mall where I got two pairs of jeans from Rue21 for $15 each. (I know and I’m so sorry, but such deals do promote the operations of sweat shops. Grrr… I hate it, but I’m cheap.) I also bought a super cute white button up shirt.

Then, I mosied to Payless and bought a cute pair of brown mary jane style athletic shoes (again, on sale). I tried to go buy myself a bra at Victoria’s Secret but they didn’t have the one I want in the right size and color. Boo.

I then went to get my hair cut by this amazing guy who cut’s my future mother-in-law’s hair (religiously, like every other week). He did a fantastic job, and I’m so proud of myself for not getting it chopped off like I usually do this time of year. David was happy. Ha!

After the MUCH needed hair cut, I went to Old Navy where I got this great shirtwhich I now see is on sale online for half the price that I actually paid for it. Damn.

Then I came home and David, Lily, and I went to have lunch at our favorite spot downtown, Ricatoni’s, and then to Alabama Outdoors (one of our favorite shops), where we shopped around and talked to a friend of ours who worked there.

That’s it. My fun day. I loved it, a lot. Woot.

Now for something useful to you. I printed out one of these great free calendars and gave it to the before-mentioned M-i-L. She loved it. Now, go get one for yourself! Here.

Ciao mes amis!

January 11, 2009 at 8:46 am Leave a comment

Oh Boy! Etsy Crushes!

I have been looking SUPER forward to Etsy Crushes day. This is why I have the weekly menu – to keep me from doing Etsy Crushes EVERYDAY.

Here’s what I have today.


Some super cute pieces that are really inexpensive.


I have been drooling all over this pearl ring for days. Love this shop!

And last, but DEFINITELY not least, an artist I was drooling over just a few days ago on here…


So, those are this week’s Etsy Crushes. I hope you love them as much as I do. I’m obviously in a ring phase, if you haven’t noticed. Love them.

Anyhoo, I have homework to do and a book to finish. Good night, all.


January 8, 2009 at 9:09 pm 3 comments

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